NiSi Athena Prime Full Frame Sets

  • Nealy all T 1.9

  • Light Weight and Compact

  • Uniform Size and Weight

  • Full Frame

New; just added focal lengths of: 18mm, 40mm, 135mm

The NiSi Athena Full Frame Prime lens set is another very reliable and easy to use set. First off, they are incredibly fast, with every focal length over 14mm at at T stop of 1.9. Secondly, they have extremely tight close focus, with the furthest being for the 85 at 2’7.5’’.

Additionally, every lens in the set is the same length and weight. this makes for lens changes that much easier and lends itself well for gimbal use, not just because of the weight but also because due to no variations in it there is no need for re-balancing the camera. the Athena’s are designed for micro contrast control and minimal chromatic aberrations. The Athena set also is designed for minimal focus breathing, making it less distracting when racking focus.